June 16, 2023
Following Justin Roiland's departure from the hit animated comedy series Rick and Morty after being charged with felony domestic violence (later cleared of charges), Adult Swim is in the process of recasting all of Roiland's voice roles, including the iconic character Rick.
Adult Swim officially ended its association with Roiland but assured fans that the show would continue.
In an interview with French publication Première, Adult Swim president Michael Ouweleen and Rick and Morty executive producer Steve Levy discussed the show's future without Roiland.
“He will be replaced in dubbing,” Ouweleen said.
“Voices are obviously super-important in an animated series. And, of course, none of us wanted to go through what we went through. But I’ve been in animation for a long time, and I know that what makes a series is its different parts coming together. If the voices are obviously a big part, there is also the writing of the characters, their design.”
Ouweleen expressed confidence in the transition and stated that the new voice actor would not simply imitate Roiland but bring their own interpretation to the characters. Levy compared the situation to the various voice actors who have portrayed Bugs Bunny over the years and expressed optimism that Rick and Morty would fare even better with the recasting.
Fans hope that the new voice actor will excel in capturing the distinctive burping and delivery of catchphrases like "Oh, geez."