Cobie Smulders expresses her shock filming key scene in ‘Secret Invasion’

Cobie Smulders have starred as Maria Hill in six Marvel movies and three series including Disney+ series ‘Secret Invasion’

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Cobie Smulders expresses her shock filming key scene in ‘Secret Invasion’
Cobie Smulders expresses her shock filming key scene in ‘Secret Invasion’

Cobie Smulders was amazed to find out that her nothing leaked about her character from Marvel’s new show, Secret Invasion.

In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Smulders spoke about her Marvel exit, “This has been an amazing run. What a dream job.”

She continued, “On paper, the credits are great, but … every production I’ve done has been an absolute blast with amazing people. So, I really don’t have anything to complain about.”

Smulders, who was first casted in Marvel’s 2011 movie, The Avengers, went on to star in another five movies and three series. Now, [SPOILER], the fan-favourite character, Maria Hill, former SHIELD agent, met her end in the Ali Selim-directed series premiere, Resurrection.

Her character’s death was filmed at The Piece Hall in Halifax, West Yorkshire with a great deal of background artists and onlookers in the mix. Smulders expressed her surprise over the fact that nothing about that scene leaked onto the internet.

“It was towards the end. I can’t remember if it was the actual end, but we worked on that whole sequence in that one location. It was shot at this town square just north of London,” she said of filming the scene. “So, we went through the sequence of events as they played out with explosions and running and chasing, and then we ended with that.”

“There were a lot of people around, so I’m surprised that there wasn’t an image that got leaked. I guess that’s the respect that Marvel has earned over the last decade, which is like, ‘Don’t spoil it for people.’ And nobody did, thankfully,” she told the outlet.