K-pop group New Jeans’ agency called out for controversial concept

She has previously come under fire for her choice of lyrics and clothing for younger idols

Web Desk
She has previously come under fire for her choice of lyrics and clothing for younger idols
She has previously come under fire for her choice of lyrics and clothing for younger idols

The CEO of the agency behind the rookie K-pop group New Jeans, Min Hee Jin is facing criticism for choosing a controversial concept for the group. She has previously come under fire for her choice of lyrics and clothing for younger idols.

Recently, their official group account released a teaser for their upcoming comeback which shows a car driving towards the camera in darkness, with the comeback being titled ETA.

While many fans were excited about the concept, some claimed that it seemed like it was linked to a terrorist organization. They pointed out that ETA was also the name of a Spanish terrorist group by the name of Euskadi Ta Askatasuna in the Basque Country who were active until 2018.

One user wrote: “Firstly, the name. ETA was a terrorist spanish group based off the Basque country. idfc care if it means another thing, it's triggering here, imagine if my song was called 11 of September, you would be triggered too right?”

Although some users claimed that there was no connection between the two, others dug deeper into the teaser and pointed out the striking similarities. “Big fan of New Jeans, but seriously Min Hee Jin!!

Just 10 mins quick search and. I'm shocked!

ETA = Spanish Terrorist Group

Mikel = Leader

Maria = Leader's Wife

Eva = A victim

Car Teaser = Their commonly used method of attack.”

Another fan pointed out the pattern with similar scandals. “right, like it's just too many coincidences at this point and even if those are false, the combination of those specific names and eta being used at the very least warrants a hard side eye though. nothing much will happen though, it'll go like all the other times: international outrage --> fans immediately defend because duh --> reaches the korean side in a few hours to a few days, mixed opinions there too -->> min heejin either makes an official statement or says through an interview ‘y'all are dumb for taking it this way’.”