Princess Charlotte keeps 'brothers in check' like 'bestfriend' Kate Middleton

Princess Charlotte and Kate Middleton's relationship dynamic revealed

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Princess Charlotte has been learning to mirror mother Kate Middleton from a young age, notes expert.

The young Wales Princess is an epitome of her mother's grace, and is careful with her choices in the family.

Body language expert Judi James tells about the 'bestfriend'-like bond between the mother-daughter duo.

Claiming that Charlotte is closest to her mother, Ms. James notes: “As Charlotte gets older there are some clear signs of not just mother-daughter bonding with Kate, but also friendship signals too.

“It’s not unusual for a mother and her daughter to describe themselves as friends or even enjoy being ‘best friends’ but where Kate and Charlotte are concerned that specific bond might be more necessary than it is for others as being a top-tier royal can be an isolating experience and we all saw how much the late Queen always cherished the unique equality of her mother-daughter bond with Princess Anne.”

The expert also shared that Charlotte does not hold back from constantly “keeping her brothers in check”.

This “hints that Charlotte will become a source of companionship and support for Kate in the Firm" in the future.