Alec Baldwin takes to Instagram to vent about lengthy flight delay

Actor Alec Baldwin vents frustration over a 7-hour flight delay on social media, sparking mixed reactions

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Alec Baldwin takes to Instagram to vent about lengthy flight delay

Alec Baldwin expresses frustration over flight delays on Instagram and gets trolled by internet users. 

Popular actor Alec Baldwin recently took to Instagram to express his discontent with a lengthy 7-hour delay he experienced on an undisclosed domestic airline. In a series of posts, which included selfies showcasing his evident exasperation, Baldwin openly criticized the airline's service.

Baldwin's first post featured a caption that read, "[Six] and 1/2 hours on a plane, sitting at the gate, waiting to fly NEWARK to VANCOUVER. No end in sight." In an attempt to shed light on the impact of global warming on air travel, he included the hashtag "#HowWillGlobalWarmingEffectAirTravel."

Continuing his frustration in a second post, Baldwin questioned the quality of US airlines, stating, "Why are US airlines so s----y? Sitting here for 7 and 1/2 hours."

Fans reacted to the posts with a range of responses. Some criticized the actor for publicly complaining about the common challenges faced by all air travelers, while others supported him by sharing their own nightmarish flight experiences.

One follower commented, "Imagine how the folks feel in economy." Another response sarcastically suggested, "Fly private. You got the loot. Cry me a river."

A critic weighed in, stating, "Lifestyle of the rich and the famous. Always complaining! Always complaining!" Conversely, another individual expressed a different perspective, writing, "Maybe they care about your safety" alongside a shrugging emoji.