Miki Sudo wins July 4 hot dog eating contest for ninth time

Expressed disappointment in her final tally, Sudo says: “Thirty-nine is a lower number, though, I’m sorry guys.”

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Mayoi Ebihara (left) and World Champion Miki Sudo (right) compete in the 2023 Nathans Famous Fourth of July International Hot Dog Eating Contest on July 4. — Reuters
Mayoi Ebihara (left) and World Champion Miki Sudo (right) compete in the 2023 Nathan's Famous Fourth of July International Hot Dog Eating Contest on July 4. — Reuters

Miki Sudo — an American competitive eater — on Tuesday ate 39.5 hot dogs in 10 minutes to win the women’s side of the annual Nathan’s Famous International Hot Dog Eating Contest for the ninth time.

Sudo, however, fell short of breaking her own record of 48.5 hot dogs and buns — which she had set in 2020 — during the Independence Day event held at the Coney Island in New York, CNN reported.

The eating competition appeared close to the end between Sudo, the No. 1-ranked female competitive eater, and rookie Mayoi Ebihara.

A review from officials determined Ebihara finished 33.5 dogs, while Michelle Lesco took third with 24.5.

It is pertinent to mention here that the No. 1-ranked female competitive eater clinched last year’s title with 40 hot dogs and holds the women’s world record for eating 48.5 hot dogs in 10 minutes.

Speaking after winning this year’s title, Sudo expressed disappointment in her final tally, saying, “Thirty-nine is a lower number, though, I’m sorry guys.”

On the men’s side, the heavy favorite is Chestnut, who has won 15 of the last 16 Independence Day contests, including 63 hot dogs last year. He set a competition record with 76 dogs downed in 2021.

Chestnut is one of 16 eaters competing in the men’s division, along with other top-ranking eaters including Geoffrey Esper, Nick Wehry, and Gideon Oji.

The event began with pre-show festivities, including music and dance performances, according to the Professional League of Eating Contests, which sanctions the event. The men’s competition is scheduled for 12:30 p.m.