Prince Harry, Meghan Markle blaming downfall on their ‘lack of luck’

Prince Harry, Meghan Markle have been ridiculed for blaming their luck ‘or the lack thereof’ for their downfall

Web Desk

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have just been put on blast for attempting to blame their lack of luck for allegedly being a ‘busted flush’.

Commentator Daniela Elser referenced these allegations while accusing the couple of being a ‘totally busted flush’.

According to a report by she started the conversation off by referencing how important luck is for a monarchy, and admitted, “When you get right down to it, the monarchy is an institution fundamentally predicated on luck.”

“Luck that Alfred the Great managed to repel the Viking invaders, luck that George I got to be King despite being 52nd in line to the throne and ‘luck’ that in the 20th century, Edward VIII fancied rusticating in France with couture-clad icicle Wallis Simpson rather than ever having to open the Norfolk Show.”

But, in today’s day and age, Prince Harry “is reportedly blaming this very thing – luck, or lack thereof – for the fact that he and wife Meghan, the Duchess of Sussex’s careers are looking like a busted flush.”

“It’s misfortune and bad timing, supposedly,” she added while referencing the couple’s take on the matter.

Before signing off she also pointed out how Prince Harry firmly believes that someone else is “wholly responsible for why the couple are not being fêted by Hollywood as the most exciting talents to arrive since Scorcese got his first Super8.”