Steve-O's Tower Bridge jump: Comedian reveals details of detainment

He says that the police officers were very nice

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Steve-Os Tower Bridge jump: Comedian reveals details of detainment
Steve-O's Tower Bridge jump: Comedian reveals details of detainment

Comedian Steve-O recently pulled out a stunt of jumping off London's Tower Bridge and was detained by police after that. 

He has revealed the details of what happened after police detained him.

He carried out the stunt in order to promote the UK leg of his Bucket List comedy tour.

In an interview with Entertainment Weekly, he said, "I knew I could do it because I did the exact same thing almost exactly 20 years ago."

'By the time I got out of the water, the cops were swarming me. This kind of police was unnecessary,' adding 'but bless their hearts because they were so nice'.

He revealed that he expected trouble before pulling the stunt but knew that he can't be deported as he is British.

"It was funny and symbolic because as soon as I got out of the water I was already behind bars," he revealed.

He added that the cops just wanted me out of there that's why they put him in the cop car.

He continued 'As far as formal charges or tickets, they said I wasn't in trouble and wanted me to have a good day.'

The biggest issue the police had with his stunt wasn't any broken law but suicide attempts.

As the supervisor told him that three people have jumped off the bridge in the same as he did, to kill themselves and one of them was successful.

He told that the cops were very sensitive and serious about suicide attempts and underscored their concern in an effective manner.