Meghan Markle, Prince Harry's business of 'trashing royal family' not running well?

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry seek to replace their “era of visibility” with a “year of reconciliation”

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Meghan Markle, Prince Harrys business of trashing royal family not running well?

Meghan Markle and her royal husband Prince Harry have run into several hardships in attempt to break into Hollywood through lucrative deals with the streaming giants, but now they appear to be on a different path.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex signed multiple deals soon after relocating to the US. Netflix was first swiftly followed by Spotify, both deals reported to be worth $60 million dollars between them.

A royal biographer has highlighted how the couple were welcomed by the streaming giants and other business bosses soon after they said goodbye to the UK to live a life of their choice in the US.

"When they [Harry and Meghan] first hit California, they hit it running and were feted by everybody snapping up deals left right and centre. The amounts of money they seemed to be earning from streaming services were awesome. even the Then the Publisher Penguin Random House signed up Harry for an autobiography which he didn’t even have to write himself," Ingrid Seward told the Mirror.

"It was all sunshine and palm trees and sprinkler fed lawns. Then the unravelling began," she added.

Sources told the Wall Street Journal that the Sussexes planned to stop releasing content discussing the royal family because there is “nothing left to say”, as the couple seeks to replace their “era of visibility” with a “year of reconciliation”.

That's a move which Ingrid thinks will please the royals - but leave the couple in a tough position as their private life 'costs a fortune'.

The expert claimed: "Despite their combined riches, they need a huge income just to keep going." 

Ingrid added: "The royal family will be laughing discreetly. They do not wish the Sussex’s any harm but are smarting from the way the Californian couple have run down the monarchy they have worked so hard to preserve. It has upset King Charles and Queen Camilla and was quite unnecessary."