Fox News under fire as longtime host Geraldo Rivera reveals internal turmoil and bias

In recent candid interview, former Fox News host Geraldo Rivera disclosed a toxic environment where his co-hosts were unduly favoured

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Veteran journalist Geraldo Rivera. Screenshot of Fox News
Veteran journalist Geraldo Rivera. Screenshot of Fox News 

Fox News, the popular right-wing network, finds itself under fire as longtime host Geraldo Rivera exposed internal turmoil and bias within the organisation. 

In a candid interview with The View on Thursday, Rivera disclosed a toxic environment where his co-hosts were unduly favoured, raising questions about the network's commitment to impartial journalism. The revelations shed light on the challenges faced by journalists in a media landscape marred by controversies and polarisation.

"'My appearances, I had two, three appearances scheduled weekly, then bi-weekly, then monthly then they kind of disappeared, they were canceled at the last day you know right before I was supposed to go on, so I was really ticked off," he noted.

Rivera revealed that he had a difficult relationship with a male co-host on the panel show "The Five." He expressed frustration over what he perceived as unfair judgment in their disputes, claiming that his co-host always seemed to receive preferential treatment from network executives. Although he did not disclose the co-host's identity, he frequently clashed with Jesse Watters and Greg Gutfeld during his time on the show.

During the interview, Rivera expressed his concerns about bias within Fox News and the impact it had on their coverage. He said, "I thought it was very unfair that I was not judged objectively in our disputes, but rather he was always favoured, and I was the one who was suspended three times." These remarks highlight the internal dynamics at play within the network and raise questions about the integrity of its journalistic practices.

Geraldo Rivera's journalistic career spans several decades and has been marked by significant accomplishments. He gained national recognition for his investigative reporting on the deplorable conditions and abuse of patients at the Willowbrook State School in Staten Island and Rockland County's Letchworth Village. His courageous exposés earned him a Peabody Award and widespread acclaim for bringing attention to these troubling issues.

Rivera's career also featured notable moments, including his controversial interview with Casey Anthony, where he vehemently criticised her actions. Additionally, he fearlessly confronted racism during an incident on his talk show, where he stood up against a guest's derogatory remarks and suffered a broken nose in the process.