Prince William, King Charles look set for an ‘unfortunate face-off’

Prince William, King Charles’ upcoming unfortunate face-off has just been referenced by experts

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Prince William, King Charles look set for an ‘unfortunate face-off’
Prince William, King Charles look set for an ‘unfortunate face-off’

Experts believe Prince William and King Charles are slated to suffer through a very “unfortunate face-off” quite soon.

The comparisons and claims about Prince William and King Charles have been made by royal commentator Daniela Elser.

She weighed in on everything in a piece for

She started by pointing out that “Kings have been falling out with their sons since Alfred the Great got the pips with son Edward for borrowing his favourite chain mail to wear down to the pub.”

So “It’s lucky that current crown-honcho King Charles and his heir Prince William have not been allowed to take home any of the broadswords currently safely locked away at the Tower of London, given the growing danger they might end up snippily prodding one another with the weapons in the Clarence House sitting room.”

“The way things are looking right now, father and son look set for an unfortunate face-off.”

But before concluding she also noted, “For once, I’m pleased to report, the cause is not a younger prince hungry to climb the greasy pole of public popularity or a King ready to use his children to burnish his image, but is instead a complete coincidence.”