'Barbie' vexes DC fans over 'Snyder Cut' joke, Greta Gerwig weighs in

Greta Gerwig admitted she was not well-versed in 'Justice League' fandom

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Greta Gerwig admitted she was not well-versed on Justice League fandom
Greta Gerwig admitted she was not well-versed on 'Justice League' fandom

Zack Snyder has a strong and loyal fanbase of its DC vision. So, when Barbie poked fun at the Snyder Cut, the comics fans had a meltdown.

It started in one of the scenes in the film, where Ken brainwashed the Writer Barbie (Alexandria Shipp). After being awoken, she said, "It's like I've been in a dream where I was really invested in the Zack Snyder cut of Justice League."

As the fury of the Snyder cut fans continued, Greta Gerwig told ComicBook that she did not realize the joke would rub the DC fans in the wrong way.

"I didn't even really realize that," adding, "I didn't even... Because I don't have a dog in this fight, I didn't even really know; I knew it was a thing. I don't know the contours of all the ins and outs.

She continued, "But it's the kind of thing that I vaguely know. But I think that was the thing, that it was like if [Writer Barbie] had a vague knowledge of, and then all of a sudden in a certain state, it really meant a lot to her, and then it went away."