James Martin receives support after blaming outburst on cancer battle

The audio saw James Martin angrily ranting and cursing at his staff for damage to his driveway in 2018

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James Martin receives support after blaming outburst on cancer battle
James Martin receives support after blaming outburst on cancer battle

Television chef James Martin is being supported by his fans after he apologized for losing it at his production crew in a new leaked audio recording. The audio saw him angrily ranting and cursing at his staff for damage to his driveway in 2018.

After he released a statement apologizing on Thursday, his fans took it upon themselves to assure him that he had “no reason to apologize.” The media personality claimed that he had been going through a very difficult time after being diagnosed with facial cancer, losing his grandparents and a home invasion.

He wrote: “Firstly, I would like to publicly and sincerely apologise to the crew involved in this incident, as I did at the time. I have always strived to keep my private life private.

However since details of a conversation, which was secretly recorded in January 2018, are now five years later being made public by a former member of our production team, I have decided to make a statement.

The end of 2017 was one of the most fraught and difficult periods of my life. I was dealing with the death of my last living grandparent, my grandfather, and on account of work commitments, I could not attend his funeral.

Later that month I was burgled at night by a team of masked men, who entered my house while my partner Louise was at home alone and I was away working. I was devastated that she had to go through that alone.”

Fans soon took to social media to comfort him, with one fan writing: “You are human and we all let stress accumulate at some stage in our lives... unfortunately as you are in the public domain it gets aired to the world… Chin up and move on, there are far worse things happening in the world. You are a fabulous chef and won't lose a fan in me!”