Prince William, Prince Harry were only allowed to eat food 'cooked by Royal chef'

Prince Harry and Prince William spent their childhood eating English food

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Prince William, Prince Harry were only allowed to eat food cooked by Royal chef

Prince Harry and Prince William spent their childhood within the Royal Family boundaries.

The young Princes, who were looked after the staff from a very young age, relished eating habits like 'any young boy.'

Former royal chef Darren McGrady tells PEOPLE the brothers would love a classic 'English food.'

Both Harry and William would savour “traditional, English food" including "favourites" such as cottage pie and peas, poached chicken and rice and fish cakes.

Mr McGrady, however, says that the boys would eat "everything a normal British child would have".

He added: "The only difference is that they had a chef cooking it for them." 

Prince Harry and William live alongside King Charles in Kensington Palace. The boys lost their mother, Princess Diana, in 1997 to a car accident in Paris.