Whitney Port gets candid on struggle with ‘disordered eating’ amid scary weight loss

Whitney Port revealed in July that her husband brought her attention to her weight loss

Web Desk
Whitney Port revealed in July that her husband brought her attention to her weight loss
Whitney Port revealed in July that her husband brought her attention to her weight loss 

Reality TV star Whitney Port has acknowledged that she needs assistance with her eating habits, although she has “yet to admit” that she has an eating disorder.

In a recent episode of her podcast With Whit, Port shared with her listeners that her weight loss can be attributed to her laziness and pickiness when it comes to food choices.

She admitted that she often allows herself to “just go hungry” because she simply doesn't “care.”

However, she did acknowledge that her eating patterns could be classified as a form of disordered eating. “I think, though, that it is a type of disordered eating.”

“That’s not OK, that’s not healthy. I’m obviously not giving my body the nutrients it needs,” she admitted.

Recognizing the need for support, Port revealed that a close friend has provided her with the contact information of a nutritionist and eating disorder specialist whom she plans to consult.

“I’m going to talk to someone and figure it out and figure out what I like and make sure that I’m making that a priority.”

Port had previously addressed concerns about her weight in a July Instagram post, where she shared her husband's worries about her unhealthy appearance.

“I had to think about it and try to figure out what has been happening because it’s not something I’m consciously thinking about [sic],” she wrote.

“I always feel hungry but I just don’t know what to eat. It’s not how I want to look or feel though,” Port wrote. “My excuses are that I’m too lazy to make feeding myself a priority or I’m too picky when it comes to taste and quality.”

The star reassured fans that she’d focus on her health as she concluded the post: “Both are unacceptable and I don’t want to set an unhealthy example so I promised Timmy and I’ll promise you that my health will be a priority."