Attempts to drive wedge between army, nation will never succeed: COAS

Gen Asim Munir calls for “rejecting propaganda of naysayers who are waging failed attempt to foment despair and hopelessness”

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Chief of Army Staff General Asim Munir is addressing the ceremony at Pakistan Military Academy in Kakul in this still taken from a video on August 14, 2023. — YouTube/GeoNews
Chief of Army Staff General Asim Munir is addressing the ceremony at Pakistan Military Academy in Kakul in this still taken from a video on August 14, 2023. — YouTube/GeoNews

  • Pakistan is passing through interesting times, watershed era: COAS.
  • "There is no power on earth, which can undo Pakistan."
  • Gen Munir for rejecting despondency and propaganda of naysayers.

Chief of Army Staff (COAS) General Asim Munir has called for rejecting the propaganda aimed at spreading hopelessness among the nation, saying that attempts to drive a wedge between the military and people will never succeed.

He said this while addressing the Azadi Parade at Pakistan Military Academy (PMA) in Kakul on the eve of Independence Day late Saturday.


“I wish to congratulate you all on the completion of 76 years of Independence, and for celebrating 14th August with the glorious tradition of an immaculate and inspiring parade at Pakistan Military Academy,” the army chief said at the start of his address.

Pakistan, he said, is passing through interesting times, a watershed era, fraught with challenges, geo-political wrangling, increasing power contestation, hegemonism and jingoism.

Gen Munir said the country continued to withstand the evil designs of the inimical forces; forces of instability and chaos, which are eager in their failed attempts to undo Pakistan.

“Let me caution them all, in the words of our great Quaid, ‘There is no power on earth, which can undo Pakistan’ - InshaAllah. We have fought for a long with our external and internal enemies, and we will fight for as long as required in future as well. As I said on a number of occasions, we have the will, capacity and capability to withstand all challenges, whether external or internal,” he added.

The army chief reassured the people that the military will never hesitate from any sacrifice in preserving our sovereignty and territorial integrity.

“Wherever required, we shall contribute towards the comprehensive national security of Pakistan and the national development efforts. Pakistan Army as a national army, takes pride in its unwavering commitment to the people of Pakistan.”

He further added: “Attempts to drive a wedge between army and nation are reprehensible, and will never succeed..”


He said Pakistan has a vibrant nation of over 240 million, with the bulk comprising aspiring and hardworking youth.

“I urge you to reject despondency, propaganda of naysayers and fear mongers, who are wagging a failed attempt to foment despair and hopelessness. This great country and the nation have withstood many such challenges during its creation and thereafter. No country or nation on earth has ever met success without such challenges coming their way.” 

Kashmiris assured of all-out support

Addressing the Kashmiris, the COAS said the people of Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) will also get freedom from the clutches of brutal occupation forces, as “we got our freedom 76 years ago, through your rightful cause of self-determination and indigenous freedom struggle”.

“No evil design can withstand the determination of the Kashmiri people, despite the communication blackouts, blatant use of the bayonets and turning Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir into the largest prison of the world,” he added.

He urged the international community to realise, that Indian excesses in Kashmir have gone unaddressed and the right to freedom and self-determination is being denied at the altar of geo-political necessity.

“To all Kashmiris, I reiterate the assurance and full backing of your brothers in arms and the complete Pakistani nation.”

Addressing the people of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Balochistan, the army chief said they are resiliently fighting against the savages of terrorism and proxies for over two decades. “We will InshaAllah succeed against this menace being waged against us.”


“We want you to live in peace, and progress in line with the aspirations of the people,” he added.

Gen Munir said India has never been able to reconcile with the idea of Pakistan and is a threat to regional peace and stability.

“We gained freedom after a great struggle and we know how to defend it. The strategic calculus of our arch-rival, skewed by its outsized ambition, carrying an illusion of being a great power and blinded by Hindutva-driven hyper-nationalism, needs serious attention of the world,” the COAS remarked.

He added: “We will never be coerced by any aggressive designs, and neither can the region afford such hostility amongst two nuclear powers. Unfortunately, the adversary continues to peddle its nefarious designs against us for petty political mileage; I would humbly remind them of their predicament, the last time they tried to do so.”

‘Most hospitable nation’

Addressing the Afghan nationals: the COAS: “We have been the most hospitable nation and wish that they [Afghans] reciprocate to our earnest efforts to the least, and not allow their soil to be used against us.”

The COAS said Pakistan is making great strides in partnership and cooperation with our time-tested friend China and we have reinvigorated a new spirit in our historic relations with Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Turkiye, Qatar and Iran.

“Pakistan is determined to rise amongst the comity of nations, and we wish to deepen our relationships with all our friends and partners. We have a very bright future that lay ahead of us, provided we remain united, steadfast and undeterred.”

"I commend you all on this immaculate display of drill on Independence Day. You have chosen a noble profession entrusted with the sacred duty of defending Pakistan against its enemies; within and without, visible and invisible. Always be ready for any sacrifice to uphold the honour and dignity of this country. My message of hope is for people of all ages, gender, creed or cast. We are Pakistanis first and foremost, and we are all proud of our country and this great nation. We must stand united and rise above ourselves to serve Pakistan in whatever way it demands of us. Always remember, Pakistan is our identity, and the rationale to exist -– Pakistan hai, to hum hain!" the army chief concluded.