Jamie Foxx embraces outdoor fun and gratitude after medical scare

Jamie Foxx enjoys outdoor activities in Tulum, Mexico after recovering from a medical emergency

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Jamie Foxx embraces outdoor fun and gratitude after medical scare
Jamie Foxx embraces outdoor fun and gratitude after medical scare

Jamie Foxx is currently relishing some delightful moments under the sun. Following a medical emergency that occurred in April, the 55-year-old actor was recently seen on a family vacation in Tulum, Mexico.

During this getaway, Foxx was observed making the most of the outdoor environment by swimming in a cenote while his loved ones were close by.

Jamie Foxx embraces outdoor fun and gratitude after medical scare
Jamie Foxx embraces outdoor fun and gratitude after medical scare

The star of "Back In Action" had previously provided a glimpse of this vacation through an Instagram post last Thursday. In the post, he was captured sporting a white T-shirt, a beach hat, and oversized sunglasses. The photo was taken under a cabana, with palm trees forming a picturesque background.

In the caption accompanying the photo, Foxx expressed his gratitude after going through what he referred to as an "unexpected dark journey." He also mentioned that he was gradually beginning to feel like his usual self again.

Foxx initially broke his silence regarding his health crisis in a written message on his Instagram account, addressing his numerous social media followers on May 3. In his message, he conveyed his appreciation for all the love and support he had received, adding that he felt blessed.

In July, he followed up with a video message, further elaborating on the reasons behind his decision to not update his fans about his medical scare during his time in the hospital. 

Although he refrained from divulging the specifics of his health issue, he clarified that rumors claiming he had gone blind and was paralyzed were untrue. He also confirmed that he was back to work and able to perform.

Foxx's upcoming project, titled "The Burial," is scheduled to make its debut at the Toronto International Film Festival in September.