Meghan Markle’s love for the limelight leaked: ‘Will Prince Harry be in for all this?’

Prince Harry has sparked speculation into his potential reaction towards Meghan Markle’s return to the limelight

Web Desk
Meghan Markle’s love for the limelight leaked
Meghan Markle’s love for the limelight leaked

Prince Harry’s potential reaction to Meghan Markle’s potential return in the spotlight has garnered the attention of many experts, and has caused one to speculate upon it all.

Claims and questions about this possibility has been referenced by royal commentator Daniela Elser in her piece for

The converastion arose once Ms Elser started to hint at a possible ‘homecoming’ of Meghan Markle.

All these claims were made keeping in mind her recent public exploits as well as the media attention they garnered.

However, this also posed a question about Prince Harry’s thoughts, because he is known for being “very outdoorsy” by an insider close to The Sun.

In reference to Prince Harry’s love for privacy and Meghan Markle’s alleged love for the camera, Ms Elser was left wondering, “Where will Harry be in all of this – happily by her side enjoying the reflected stardust and revelling in his wife’s new-found star?”

Or perhaps maybe “at home, slumped on the couch in a ramen-stained hoodie disconsolately trying to do the day’s Wordle, stuck in 'self-imposed isolation?'”

Because perhaps “Joni Mitchell got it wrong all those years ago – paradise is not paved, but it does have a bloody great wall around it,” Ms Elser later added before signing off.