August 31, 2023
Henry Cavill is all set to star in the reboot of the 1986 time-traveling classic Highlander. The Hollywood sensation is rumoured to star in the reboot, which was first reported to be in progress in 2008, but now director Chad Stalheski has confirmed that a new movie is still in the works.
The director appears hopeful that the reboot starring the Superman actor might prove to be a kickstart for a major franchise.
According to Dailymail, Chad appeared in an interview with the Happy Sad podcast on Monday and said, "The new film is coming, and it could do big things for the British actor."
The Highlander franchise started in 1986 and continued until the end of the 20th century and into the 21st century with a TV series starring Christopher Lambert.
Chad, who also directed the iconic film, John Wick, said, "It's very cool to me that we can pick any nationality, any period, and any type of person and make them deal with the burden of immortality." He added that if they pull their sh*t together, they have ideas to make an epic TV show within days.
Chad Stalheski added that he doesn't want to be the person who messes everything up.