September 05, 2023
Princess Diana once admitted she deliberately threw herself down the stairs to gain attention from King Charles III
The former Princess of Wales told author Andrew Morton that she deliberately tried to hurt herself when pregnant with Prince William.
Diana, in her recorded tapes submitted to Morton, revealed: “When I was pregnant with William I threw myself down the stairs at Sandringham.”
Later, Diana opened up about her struggle with an eating disorder called Bulimia.
She told BBC’s Martin Bashir: “[Bulimia’s] like a secret disease,” she told Bashir. “You inflict it upon yourself because your self-esteem is at a low ebb, and you don’t think you’re worthy or valuable. You fill your stomach up four or five times a day – some do it more – and it gives you a feeling of comfort.”
She added: “People were using my bulimia as a coat on a hanger: they decided that was the problem – Diana was unstable.”