'General Adnan' dies at age 84

Adnan Al-Kassie aka General Adnan played football with Saddam Hussein before he took charge of Iraq

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Adnan Al-Kaissie aka General Adnan. — WWE
Adnan Al-Kaissie aka General Adnan. — WWE

Adnan bin Abdul Kareem Ahmed Alkaissie El Farthie, better known to wrestling fans as General Adnan, Billy White Wolf, and Sheik Adnan Al-Kaissie, passed away at the age of 84. 

Sgt. Slaughter, a close friend and former teammate in the ring paid homage to the former tag champion in a tweet on Wednesday.

Born in Baghdad, Iraq, the former WWF and AWA star. Adnan was taken back to the World Wrestling Federation (later WWE), where he had previously competed as an amateur wrestler and played football with Saddam Hussein, the future dictator of Iraq.

Most fans associate Adnan with his management of Slaughter during the early 1990s, when Slaughter was an Iraqi sympathiser. In an interview with Ken Resnick in 2019, the fictitious general eventually acknowledged that the things he expressed about America were his actual sentiments for the nation, calling them "No bulls**t."

Adnan originally arrived in the country thanks to his athletic experience in Iraq. He travelled from Houston to Oklahoma, where he wrestled and played football at Oklahoma State University, almost making the Olympics.

Adnan began professional wrestling, playing Chief Jay Strongbow and Native American Billy White Wolf when he won the World Wide Wrestling Federation (the forerunner of the WWF and WWE) Tag Team Championship at the conclusion of 1976.

He eventually found himself competing in Verne Gagne's American Wrestling Association as Sheikh Adnan Al-Kaissie. Even though he was never an AWA champion, Kaissie remained a mainstay in the region for the whole of the 1980s. In 2021, he was admitted into the Thesz-Tragos Hall of Fame.