Cardi B commends Beyoncé's choice to remain silent on personal news

Cardi B admires Beyoncé's ability to avoid controversy but chooses to address her critics

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Cardi B commends Beyoncés choice to remain silent on personal news
Cardi B commends Beyoncé's choice to remain silent on personal news

Cardi B, known for her no-nonsense responses to online trolls and even in-person confrontations, recently expressed her admiration for Beyoncé's ability to stay above the fray of public controversies. 

In a recent interview on The Spout podcast, the Grammy-winning rapper commended Queen Bey for her discretion, explaining how it has influenced her own approach to handling such situations.

Cardi, 30, shared her thoughts, saying, "Surprisingly, I have held myself back a lot — from a lot of things. You see how Beyoncé addresses her things? She does not address them at all". 

She emphasized that artists should prioritize their mental well-being and do what works best for them. Cardi added, "If addressing things, to Beyoncé, affects her mental health, then don't do it."

While Cardi respects Beyoncé's choice to remain silent in the face of controversy, she personally leans towards addressing her detractors rather than keeping her emotions bottled up. 

She explained her preference, stating, "I'd rather just let it out." Cardi emphasized the importance of individuals handling their issues in a way that aligns with their comfort level, recognizing that everyone has a unique approach to coping with criticism. "That's how I feel. Everybody is different."

Ultimately, Cardi believes that people will always find something to criticize about others. She reflected on her own experiences, observing that both individuals who radiate positivity and those who attract negativity often face similar levels of scrutiny. 

She cited Chloe Bailey as an example of someone who consistently exudes positivity but still encounters backlash from certain quarters.