Kevin Costner and Christine Baumgartner settle divorce after Costner’s legal wins

Kevin Costner and Christine Baumgartner settle divorce in a surprising development

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Kevin Costner and Christine Baumgartner settle divorce in a surprising development
Kevin Costner and Christine Baumgartner settle divorce in a surprising development 

In a surprising turn of events, the divorce battle between Kevin Costner and Christine Baumgartner has come to an end as they have reached a settlement.

While a resolution seemed unlikely, there were indications that it could happen.

Kevin's legal team, led by prominent divorce attorney Laura Wasser, achieved several victories in court, particularly regarding child support.

Wasser filed documents stating that Kevin's monthly obligation should be $63,000, whereas Christine had requested $248,000.

Following a two-day evidentiary hearing in Santa Barbara, Judge Thomas Anderle sided with Kevin.

Judge Anderle also made it clear that the prenuptial agreement would be upheld, and if Christine contested it, she would be required to repay Kevin over $1 million and cover his attorney's fees for the prenup dispute.

It seems Christine recognized the unfavorable circumstances and agreed to the terms outlined in a three-page settlement letter over the weekend.

The former couple, who were married for 18 years and have three children together, both sought joint custody.

While the specifics of the settlement are unknown, it appears that Christine's request for an $850,000 fee is no longer on the table.

Although the prenuptial agreement is enforceable, sources suggest that Christine received more than what was originally stipulated in the document as part of the settlement agreement.