AOC, Elon Musk engage in heated exchange over immigration comparison

Elon Musk's comment added fuel to ongoing social media fire that led AOC to snub him

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AOC, Elon Musk engage in heated exchange over immigration comparison. The News/File
AOC, Elon Musk engage in heated exchange over immigration comparison. The News/File

A heated exchange has erupted on social media between Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) and billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk, with AOC responding to Musk's comment that she is "not that smart."

The spat stems from AOC's comparison of the current immigration situation in New York City to historical immigration waves through Ellis Island, which garnered criticism from conservative commentator Ashley St. Clair, leading to Musk's remarks.

The controversy began when AOC took to Instagram to make a point about immigration, saying that the current influx of immigrants into New York City pales in comparison to the massive numbers of immigrants who arrived via Ellis Island between 1892 and 1954, totaling over 12 million individuals. 

Her intention was to dilute the severity of the present immigration crisis.

However, her comments on Instagram prompted criticism and backlash on social media. Conservative commentator Ashley St. Clair, in particular, took issue with AOC's comparison. 

St. Clair highlighted the distinction between legal immigration through Ellis Island and the ongoing flow of undocumented migrants crossing the southern border. She posted her critique on social media platforms, igniting the online debate.

Elon Musk, known for his outspoken presence on social media, entered the fray by responding to St. Clair's post, stating, "She's just not that smart." 

Musk's comment added fuel to the ongoing social media fire between AOC and himself.

In response to Musk's remark, AOC chose not to let it slide. She defended her argument, emphasising her journey from a non-privileged background to becoming the youngest woman in American history to be elected to Congress. 

"I wasn’t born rich and became the youngest woman in American history to be elected to Congress," AOC snubbed Elon Musk on his dismissive remarks. 

AOC listed her significant achievements, including her role in investigations, policy creation, and the establishment of the US Climate Corps to generate new jobs.

AOC's retort concluded with a confident note: "Stay mad." 

Later, Elon Musk took his words back saying she is 'genius'.

Her response not only showcased her dedication to public service and policy initiatives but also demonstrated her readiness to engage in public discourse on important issues.