Arnold Schwarzenegger ‘sad’ about aging body: ‘It just sucks’

Arnold Schwarzenegger is struggling with aging body and loose muscles

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Arnold Schwarzenegger recently opened up on his experience with aging, confessing that his “hanging” muscles make him “sad.”

Speaking during his appearance on The Howard Stern Show, he shared, "Every day I do look, you know, in a mirror and I say, ‘Yep. You suck.'"

"Look at this body. Look at those pectoral muscles that used to be firm and perky and kind of like really powerful with a striation in there. Now they're just hanging there. I mean, what the hell is going on here?"

He then reflected that most people can not relate to his feelings about aging and seeing his muscles disappear.

"It's sad also because I say to people, It's one thing to see yourself get older, and more and more out of shape, but most of the people…never have been in shape. So what does it mean getting out of shape? They've always looked at a sh---y body."

"It's just - when you've been hailed for years as this supreme body," he said as he recalled how his body was considered the epitome of body building.

"And you have the definition. You see the veins coming down your abs, and you see veins on top of your chest…You roll the clock forward 50 years and now you're standing there and you don't see that anymore. So that's kind of like, ‘Wow.'" he continued.

The Terminator star went on to share how the changes that come with aging have surprised him: "I never ever thought about that when I was like 30 years old or 40 years old - that this is gonna happen….That one time we're going to look at this body and - I mean it still looks better than majority of bodies - but I mean, it just sucks."

However, the star concluded the interview on a positive note about life in general, saying: "The bottom line is I'm 76 years old. I'm full of energy, I'm full of enthusiasm. I'm as enthusiastic and as excited as I was when I was 30 years old. I just always see mountains in front of me to be climbed. And so as long as I see those mountains, I keep my enthusiasm and I keep my excitement and that fire in the belly to keep climbing and climbing and climbing. And that's what it's all about."