Madonna, Al Pacino's strange first encounter revealed

Madonna gave Al Pacino an unforgettable experience on the first meeting, according to her biographer

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Madonna, Al Pacino's strange first encounter revealed

How did Madonna say hello to Al Pacino when she met him for the first time?

By sticking her tongue to his ear.

The strange nugget was part of a new biography on the megastar by her former roommate Whitley Hill.

In a chat with author Mary Gabriel, the biographer revealed that her father, Ed Setrakian, introduced the Hung Up crooner to the Godfather star.

The writer claimed the Grammy winner initially tried to attract the attention of the Academy winner by slowly chewing gum.

"I think the idea here is to call attention to her mouth," she believes.

However, the tipping point comes after the bachelor 83-year-old told Whitley's father that the 65, tried to get cozy with him.

"That friend of your daughter's stuck her tongue in my ear," the author's father told her. "When we were driving home, she leaned over and stuck her tongue in my ear!"

Meanwhile, the pair also worked together after their not-so-comfortable incident in 1990's Dick Tracy.

Notably, Madonna has some strong opinions after working with Al Pacino, calling him a "gross pig," per Page Six.

She continued, "Whenever Al put his prosthetics on, his suit … he was always smacking my butt and my face," she continued. "I hated him, I loathed him, I was disgusted with him."