Justin Timberlake’s two word breakup text to Britney Spears revealed

Justin Timberlake broke up with Britney Spears in a brutal two-word text

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Justin Timberlake broke up with Britney Spears in a brutal two-word text
Justin Timberlake broke up with Britney Spears in a brutal two-word text

Chris Appelbaum, who directed Britney Spears’ Overprotected: The Darkchild Remix music video in February 2002, has revealed what Justin Timberlake said in his two-word text to break up with Spears.

Applebaum recalls that Britney disappeared on the set of the two-day shoot for about 20-40 minutes, prompting him to check up on her, per Page Six.

When he got to her trailer, the singer was sitting on the floor, her makeup running with tears.

She then held up her Motorola flip phone to the director and said, “I can’t believe it. Look it. This happened.” (sic)

The text on the phone screen from Timberlake read, “It’s over!!!”

During the same talk, he also sang praises of the singer, saying, “There are those people where there is something inside of them and you don’t know where it comes from — it’s like an ‘X’ factor. That’s what we saw with her.”

He expressed his happiness over the singer’s success and said that she lived up to her image.

“I was so happy that this person who was the biggest star in the world was everything I wanted her to be and then more,” he said.