Katie Price's landlord dream for 'Mucky Mansion' hits renting roadblock

Katie Price's attempt to rent out her 'Mucky Mansion' falters as prospective tenants are deterred by reported issues

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Katie Prices landlord dream for Mucky Mansion hits renting roadblock
Katie Price's landlord dream for 'Mucky Mansion' hits renting roadblock

Katie Price's landlord dream for her infamous 'Mucky Mansion' has hit a major roadblock, with the property struggling to attract renters since it was listed earlier this year. 

The former glamour model, who has ventured into various careers, aimed to rent out her eight-bedroom West Sussex home at an eye-watering monthly rate of £6,000. 

Despite the property's extravagant features, including equestrian facilities and acres of land, prospective tenants have been deterred by reported issues like a mouldy bathroom and Katie's claims of paranormal activity within the residence.

A source revealed to the Mirror, "Katie is actively looking to move out and rent something new and modern. She hates the Mucky Mansion – often referring to it as the House of Horrors! She claims she cannot sleep alone there as it's haunted by the 'grey lady' on the top floor – not a great sell for prospective renters. The property listing has not even had a nibble!"

The At Home Estate and Letting Agency describes the property as "a substantial family home with extensive accommodation over 3 floors, with an adjacent annex and optional equestrian facilities available to let." Despite the appealing features, some images show rooms that are not in pristine condition, with a noticeable mould issue in the bathroom.

Katie Price's history of sharing supernatural experiences from the Mucky Mansion has not helped attract tenants either. In 2018, she claimed to have filmed footage of a 'demon' and 'ghost child' in one of her mirrors. She later hired a 'ghost hunter' to investigate. 

More recently, in 2023, Katie called in ghostbusters once again after claiming to have seen a 'little boy' haunting the top floor of the property. A paranormal team based in Brighton, who investigated the house, plans to share their findings, leaving Katie Price "terrified." With these reported issues and paranormal tales, the 'Mucky Mansion' is facing an uphill battle in the rental market.