Meghan Markle’s being ‘high and mighty’ to Hollywood A-lister neighbors

Neighbors of Meghan Markle have a number of thoughts regarding the ‘high and mighty’ star

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There are a number of things Meghan Markle’s neighbors are starting to think of her, amid claims she’s been acting all ‘high and mighty’.

These allegations have been brought to light by a neighbor of the Duchess of Sussex.

This neighbor in question believes the Duchess acts incredibly “high and mighty” whenever she is around Montecito.

In light of this, this neighbor even went as far as to tell Express UK, “We cannot wait for her to go.”

During the course of the conversation, the neighbor also went as far as to accuse Meghan of ‘manipulating’ Prince Harry.

Almost the entire neighborhood is in agreement of this, given a different neighbor once went on the record to recount the couple’s disinterest in any history of the property or the area, when approached with a welcome basket.

The couple’s abode in Montecito boasts £11.5million mansion that is in the wider area of Santa Barbara, California.