Prince Harry is 'on top of the world' as he 'lets go' anxiety at US Grand Prix

Prince Harry is seen elated and content after holidays with Meghan Markle

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Prince Harry is on top of the world as he lets go anxiety at US Grand Prix
Prince Harry is 'on top of the world' as he 'lets go' anxiety at US Grand Prix

Prince Harry is spotted unusually stress-free in a recent engagement in the US.

The Duke of Sussex, who attended the US Grand Prix sans wife Meghan Markle, was seen 'independent' and at the 'top of the world.'

Body language expert Darren Stanton speaks for Betfair Casino: "When we see Prince Harry at the Grand Prix, this is a picture of Harry being his most relaxed self.

"His arms are wide open, and he’s letting everyone in. He is on his own, but he's elated and being independent doesn't bother him," he adds.

"He's telling everyone he feels content, happy, and just himself. Harry isn't feeling any stress or pressure, he's completely natural. It's showing he likes to muck in and let himself go."

Recalling his old engagements, Mr Stanton adds: "When Harry feels stressed, he will try to hide how he is actually feeling by putting his hands in his pockets or fiddling with his ring finger."

"It's a distress signal, and he has used this frequently on engagements, but, here, Harry is a man feeling on top of the world, but also very calm in this environment," Stanton explained.