Lil Wayne gets honest about wax statue at Hollywood Wax Museum

Lil Wayne says he was unsatisfied with the work on his wax figure as he shared his views on social media

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Lil Wayne gets honest about wax statue at Hollywood Wax Museum
Lil Wayne gets honest about wax statue at Hollywood Wax Museum

Getting a spot-on celebrity wax figure is a tall task. Ask Lil Wayne, who was not over the moon on his statue in the Hollywood Wax Museum in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee.

Responding to the viral images of the wax model on the internet, which fans also blasted for unhandy work, the Lollipop rapper said on Twitter, "Sorry wax museum, but that **** ain’t me! You tried tho, and I appreciate the effort.”

Similarly, another celebrity has a problem with his wax, but the only difference is that the statue was at the Musée Grévin in Paris. He was Dwyane “The Rock” Johnson.

Expressing his disapproval in the Instagram post, the Jumanji star said, "For the record, I'm going to have my team reach out to our friends at Grevin Museum in Paris, France, so we can work at 'updating' my wax figure here with some important details and improvements - starting with my skin color."

Meanwhile, the maker of the wax statue, Stéphane Barret, did not appreciate the flak the WWE star gave.

Defending his work, the sculptor shed light on the difficulties in capturing each detail from a selected sample picture.