Jennifer Aniston's double standards on cosmetic surgery exposed?

Jennifer Aniston vocally opposed cosmetic surgeries in the past, but an expert claim makes her stance apparently questionable

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Jennifer Anistons double standards on cosmetic surgery exposed?
Jennifer Aniston's double standards on cosmetic surgery exposed?

Jennifer Aniston had some strong views against cosmetic surgery, as she freely expressed them repeatedly in the past. But, a plastic surgeon claimed she had gone under the knife, which has raised questions about her stance.

In 2015, the Friends star told Yahoo Beauty, “There is . . . this pressure in Hollywood to be ageless. I think what I have been witness to is seeing women trying to stay ageless . . . I am grateful to learn from their mistakes because I am not injecting **** into my face.”

However, eight years ago, the Emmy winner had a nose job.

“I had [a deviated septum] fixed – best thing I ever did. I slept like a baby for the first time in years,” adding, “As far as all the other [rumors], as boring as it sounds, it’s still mine. All of it. Still mine.”

It was followed by another surgery to correct the mistakes of the previous surgery in 2018.

Meanwhile, the latest surgery claim was by Dr. Sam Rizk, a celebrity facial surgeon, who told The Post, “She definitely had surgery,” adding, “The type that improved her cheeks, jowls, and neck. And her eyes look refreshed, and that’s more than Botox.”