Snoop Dogg spills the beans on Pharrell's 'high' studio session

Snoop Dogg reminisces about studio session where Pharrell's unexpected high left him producing music

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Snoop Dogg spills the beans on Pharrells high studio session
Snoop Dogg spills the beans on Pharrell's 'high' studio session

Snoop Dogg shared a hilarious anecdote from a memorable studio session with Pharrell Williams and the legendary Stevie Wonder. 

In a recent interview with Rolling Stone, iconic rapper, recounted the time when he had to step up his producing game due to Pharrell getting a bit too "high" in the studio, leaving him alone with the musical genius that is Stevie Wonder.

Snoop provided an inside look into the memorable session, saying, "Me, Pharrell, and Stevie Wonder were in the studio. We were smoking, and it was in a little-ass room." 

He continued, "Pharrell’s done got high, he got secondhand smoke. Now Stevie in the booth and Pharrell ain’t saying s---."

Stevie Wonder, an iconic figure in the music industry, found himself in a perplexing situation. Snoop recounted, "Stevie didn't know what to do, and I'm like, 'Pharrell, produce this n----.' This n----'s so high, he leaves Stevie in the booth and don't give him no direction."

Snoop, who is primarily known for his rapping skills, was left in an unfamiliar role, trying to guide Stevie Wonder. He admitted, "I was trying to tell Stevie what to do, and I don't know what the f--- to do. I'm not a producer." In a desperate attempt to salvage the situation, Snoop instructed Pharrell, "Just play anything."

Remarkably, despite the chaos and unusual circumstances, the impromptu collaboration between Snoop, Pharrell, and Stevie yielded usable material. Snoop explained, "When we finished, Pharrell took all of the good s--- that he played. It ended up working,"

Snoop Dogg also expressed amusement at the fact that Pharrell, had never been previously fazed by his marijuana usage. However, on this particular day, the situation was different. 

"Today he finally gets so high that he leaves Stevie in there. They left a n---- in there, where he had to walk out by himself," added Snoop. "Shout-out my b----, Stevie," Snoop chuckled, paying tribute to Stevie Wonder's patience and talent.

While the rapper didn't specify which song they were working on during this unusual session, the trio had previously collaborated on California Roll, a track from Snoop Dogg's 2015 album "Bush."