Prince William highlights efforts made as Duke of Cornwall

The eldest son posses Duchy of Cornwall

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Prince William highlights efforts made as Duke of Cornwall
Prince William highlights efforts made as Duke of Cornwall 

Prince William on Wednesday highlighted his efforts to mitigate climate change.

Taking to Instagram, the Prince of Wales shared videos to apprise people about measures he is taking as the Duke of Cornwall.

According to his Insta post, the Duchy of Cornwall is on a mission to achieve the goal of Zero Net farming.

Prince William highlights efforts made as Duke of Cornwall

Net Zero is the balance between the amount of greenhouse gas (GHG) that's produced and the amount that's removed from the atmosphere.

The eldest son of the reigning British monarch obtains possession of the duchy and the title of Duke of Cornwall at birth or when his parent succeeds to the throne, but may not sell assets for personal benefit and has limited rights and income while a minor. The current duke is Prince William.

The statement shared by William said:

 "The Duchy of Cornwall has revealed how it is supporting farming tenants and land managers to achieve a net zero Estate by the early 2030s. 

This will contribute to the delivery of the Estate’s vision of Sustainable Stewardship for Communities, Enterprise and Nature.

The Duchy’s 2022 Net Zero Carbon Report highlighted that farming contributes to 62% of the Estate’s total carbon footprint. 

Under the guidance of Prince William, Duke of Cornwall, the Duchy has now increased the available support for tenants to target emission reduction on farms. The support package from the Duchy includes:

Assistance to accurately input farm data to measure farm emissions as part of whole farm plans

Access to farmer-led training, farm walks and workshops

Investment in farm infrastructure and machinery that supports low carbon farming practices

Provision of independent advice from industry experts

The Duchy of Cornwall recognises that farming provides for a range of beneficial outcomes for society including food security and economic prosperity in rural communities. Key to a net zero transition are resilient farming systems that reduce reliance on fossil fuel and utilise nature-based solutions in the fight against climate change.

The Duchy of Cornwall will work closely with its tenant farmers to demonstrate how actions to reduce emissions can also benefit financial margins, with whole farm planning essential to ensure farm profitability and net zero ambitions work together. Following research between 2021 and 2023* where the Duchy commissioned baseline farm carbon budgets for all equipped farms, evidence is emerging that four farms on the Duchy Estate are net zero.