Jennifer Garner's heartfelt return to flood-ravaged Kentucky schools: Watch

Jennifer Garner's emotional return to flood-ravaged Kentucky schools reveals the resilience of students and the community

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Jennifer Garners heartfelt return to flood-ravaged Kentucky schools: Watch
Jennifer Garner's heartfelt return to flood-ravaged Kentucky schools: Watch

Jennifer Garner recently made an emotional return to Perry County, Kentucky, more than a year after historic flooding left the town and its residents devastated. 

The flood, termed "one of the worst, most devastating flooding events in Kentucky’s history" by Governor Andy Beshear, wreaked havoc on the area and wiped out Robinson Elementary School, among other damages.

In a heartfelt visit covered by the Today show, Garner, a West Virginia native, expressed her deep sympathy for the affected students and the loss of their school library, a place she credited with shaping her own life. 

Garner, deeply moved by the scene, expressed, "It just takes your breath away." She added, "My little elementary school library totally shaped my life." The actress, who has been associated with Save the Children since 2014, reflected on the loss experienced by the students and teachers.

More than 500 children from Robinson Elementary and a nearby school are now sharing a single building, with many families having lost their homes during the floods last summer. Garner spent time with these students and was struck by their resilience. She noted, "The kids wanted me to know how scary it was, what it was like to lose their school, what it was like to lose their homes, where their family went."

During her visit, Garner surprised the students and teachers with a generous gift of over 500 books from Scholastic. She also pledged to donate 5,000 books to both schools' future libraries once they are rebuilt.

Garner emphasized the importance of children's libraries, stating, "A push cart is better than nothing," referring to the librarian who now uses a push cart loaded with books in the absence of a proper library.

The actress observed the children's resilience and said, "There's a lot of trauma just in growing up below the poverty line, and if you can name it, then you can heal, you can be resilient and move on. It's amazing to watch in action."

Jennifer Garner's visit serves as a heartwarming reminder of the strength of the community and the indomitable spirit of Kentucky's school children as they rebuild their lives in the aftermath of the devastating floods that took place in July 2022.