King Charles is in danger of disappearing completely from the UK

The current King of England is finding it a struggle to connect with the masses

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King Charles is in danger of disappearing completely from the UK
King Charles is in danger of disappearing completely from the UK

The reigning monarch and King of England is allegedly finding it very hard to connect with the masses, unlike his late mother Queen Elizabeth.

Royal author Clive Irving issued this insight into the monarch’s alleged thoughts.

Reportedly, King Charles feels he’s “never been able to connect in the way that his mother connected.”

This comes into view especially since “when Charles appears, he doesn't connect.”

King Charles is in danger of disappearing completely from the UK
King Charles is in danger of disappearing completely from the UK

“I felt that very strongly at the time of the coronation that he looked almost morose throughout the whole ceremony,” Mr Irving also said.

“It's almost as though he's in danger of disappearing completely from the public consciousness.”

“The most glaring thing at the moment is that after a year, it's become stunningly clear how brilliant the Queen was at the job and how poor he is at the job. She [the Queen] connected through the TV screen or with people in person. When Charles appears, he doesn't connect. Charles's popularity is clearly nothing like his mother's. But the monarchy is still popular.”