Queen Camilla was hesitant to accompany King Charles on Kenya tour

Queen Camilla joins King Charles on Kenya tour despite not being sure of it, expert

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Queen Camilla was hesitant to accompanying King Charles on Kenya tour
Queen Camilla was hesitant to accompanying King Charles on Kenya tour

Queen Camilla was reportedly “nervous” about joining her husband King Charles on his royal tour of Kenya but felt compelled to accompany him.

Camilla, the Duchess of Cornwall, has a long-standing fear of flying but she put her discomfort aside to fulfill her royal duties, claimed royal expert Jennie Bond.

“Camilla does not enjoy flying, but she knows it’s part of her job to go all over the world and she will continue to do so,” the expert told GB News.

“It’s not a complete phobia because she used to go on holiday to the Caribbean, specifically to Antigua, with her family and she has also flown several times to a holistic health centre in India,” she added.

Revealing what caused Camilla to fear flying, the expert narrated an incident when the Queen Consort’s plane was “damaged” after hitting a “bird.”

"But on one flight the plane was damaged after hitting a bird, so she doesn’t like it,” Jennie said. “She’s very nervous but just gets on with it.”

Noting how beneficial these tours are for the monarchy and for the King and Queen to strengthen their bond, the expert went on to list the advantages of their trip to Kenya.

“I think it makes all the difference that Queen Camilla and the King are together on these flights and on these tours. Kenya will be a wonderful shared experience for Charles and Camilla,” she said.

"A busy programme as always, but they will have the chance to have a glass of something at the end of the day and chat about all that happened."

"And, especially for Charles, that really does make all the difference. I used to feel rather sorry for him when we were on tour and he seemed so alone.”