Six killed in blast targeting police van in DI Khan

Some of the wounded are in critical condition; injured also include police personnel

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The picture shows police inspecting the area after blast in DI Khan on November 3, 2023. — Provided by the reporter
The picture shows police inspecting the area after blast in DI Khan on November 3, 2023. — Provided by the reporter 

  • Some injured in critical condition. 
  • Gunshots also heard after explosion: police. 
  • Blast takes place near police van in Tank Adda.

At least six people were killed and 20 were injured after a blast targeting a police van was reported from Dera Ismail Khan, said Caretaker Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Information Minister Firdous Jamal Shah on Friday

According to law enforcement officials, gunshots were also heard after the explosion. 

The blast took place in Tank Adda in the city near a police van, injuring 22 people who are being shifted to a nearby hospital. Some of the injured are in critical condition.

The minister also shared that among the 22 included two policemen and said was saddened by the news. 

"Those elements involved in the explosion and terrorism will be brought to justice," assured the minister.

Last month, two blasts occurred in KP and Balochistan, killing scores of people on the day of Eid Miladun Nabi — the birth anniversary of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

The blast in KP's Hangu, which took place during the Friday sermon, killed five and injured 12 people. 

Hangu District Police Officer Nisar Ahmed said two suicide bombers were involved in the attack — one targeted the gate of the police station, and the other blew himself up inside the mosque.

Moreover, two policemen were also injured during the firing, officials of the law enforcement agency said, adding that the other militant blew himself up inside the mosque.

Earlier in the day,  a suicide blast in Balochistan's Mastung district killed at least 35 people including a police officer while injuring over 45.

For the past year now, Pakistan has been gripped by a spate of terror attacks, with Balochistan and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa particularly being under the radar of militants targeting security forces and civilians to deteriorate peace.

Security forces, however, continue to conduct operations against terrorists to eliminate terrorism from the country in its resolve to strengthen the sacrifices of its soldiers.

A report compiled by the Pakistan Institute for Conflict and Security Studies (PICSS) stated a sharp increase recorded in militant attacks across the country in August with 99 terror incidents reported.

This, according to the report, was the highest number recorded in any single month since November 2014. These attacks have resulted in 112 deaths and 87 injuries, mostly targeting security forces personnel and civilians.