Russell Brand rakes thousands despite 'Arthur' extra's SA allegations

Russell Brand earned thousands of dollars from another streaming channel after YouTube suspended his monetisation following sexual assault and rape charges

Web Desk
Russell Brand rakes thousands despite a new sexual assault allegation
Russell Brand rakes thousands despite a new sexual assault allegation

Russell Brand earned thousands of dollars from another streaming channel after YouTube suspended his monetisation following sexual assault and rape charges.

After four women detailed their assault encounters with the 48-year-old comedian in September, a fifth woman has come forward with her story who worked as an extra in the 2010 romcom Arthur.

The anonymous lady, quoted as Jane Doe by Sunday Times, said the crew members "guarded the door from the outside" while Russell attacked her in a bathroom.

“I felt used and abused. Disgusting is the only word. I felt like I was being used, that I was just an object for his momentary titillation,” she remarked.

On the other hand, Russell refuses all the charges against him as he claims all of his relationships were consensual. 

Since the allegations first surfaced, his 51 videos on Rumble have received 43 million views which totalled to £350,000.

The latest purported victim is the first one to file a lawsuit against Russell as she said he was "intoxicated, smelled of alcohol and was carrying a bottle of vodka on set."

Moreover, she told the outlet that she's "trying to get her power back" by speaking up about it, and said allegations by the other four women "gave her strength" to come forward.