Buckingham Palace break-in: 'Immature' and 'foolish' tourist makes drunken mistake

Buckingham Palace gets intruded by an American tourist

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Buckingham Palace break-in: Immature and foolish tourist makes drunken mistake
Buckingham Palace break-in: 'Immature' and 'foolish' tourist makes drunken mistake

The Buckingham Palace has reportedly had another break-in into the Royal Mews by an American tourist.

Awad Mustafa had reportedly broken into the King's official residence in the wee hours of September 16. The tourist has come to the UK for a 10-day trip.

Lawyer Antoni Gray, defending at Westminster Magistrate’s Court said: "This is a 25-year-old man who behaved in an immature, reckless and foolish way. I hope you accept that this was drunken behaviour. He accepts that he caused a huge amount of concern. It was a great nuisance, no more than that."

This comes after prosecutor Rhianne Neil said: "On 16 September, just before 1.30am, a member of the public called the police stating they had seen a man climbing the wall on Grosvenor Road bordering The Royal Mews. The suspect was then seen inside the grounds and filming with a mobile phone.

"Officers attended the scene at around 2:30am and found the defendant hiding in the corner of the paddock with a horse," noted the source.

Awad was charged with a fine of £1000.