King Charles roasts Prince Harry, Meghan Markle with new title

King Charles restricts members of the Royal family to discuss Prince Harry, Meghan Markle at birthday dinner

Web Desk
King Charles roasts Prince Harry, Meghan Markle with new title
King Charles roasts Prince Harry, Meghan Markle with new title

King Charles has reportedly banned the mention of Prince Harry and his wife Meghan Markle at his 75th birthday party.

As per a latest update, the monarch does not want the Duke and Duchess of Sussex to “overshadow” his big day that’s why he has given them a new title.

Dubbing them “unmentionables,” Charles has urged the members of the Royal family, invited to his party, to not discuss anything related to the exiled Royals.

“It has been made very clear that Sussex discussions are firmly off the table at both events,” an insider told The Express about the lavish dinner to be held at Clarence House on November 14.

“The King has a busy few days between November 12 and 15,” the source added. “It will involve a lot of back and forth between London and Gloucestershire, but he’s determined to celebrate his 75th birthday without any interruptions.

"He doesn’t want the day to be overshadowed by people who aren’t there - the unmentionables as staff now call them,” the tipster revealed.

By not inviting Prince Harry and Meghan Markle to his birthday, where “all the senior members of the Royal Family are expected to make an appearance,” Charles seems to have given them a warning.

“The fact that the Sussexes weren’t even invited to an important milestone like this speaks volumes. It will be very hard for them to claw their way back from this,” the insider added.