Inside details of King Charles 75th birthday party leaked

King Charles all set to mark his 75th birthday on November 14

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Inside details of King Charles 75th birthday party leaked
Inside details of King Charles 75th birthday party leaked

King Charles has decided not to flaunt his money and privileges amid ongoing cost-of-living crisis across the United Kingdom and around the world.

According to Fox News, the monarch will mark his 75th birthday with an intimate dinner with close family members and friends.

Charles does not want to be seen as “flashing money around” while the world is suffering, claimed Neil Sean while writing for the publication.

He wrote, “According to a very well-placed source, it will be a very private affair and this is because of the ongoing cost-of-living crisis across the United Kingdom and around the world.”

“The king does not want to be seen as flashing money around and, of course, offending those who are struggling so much, but more importantly, is the brand-new monarchy he wants to lead,” he added.

“For example, he’s even requested cards, flowers, and gifts all be sent to local or his favorite charities, as he feels at 75 years old he has simply got everything that he requires.”