Prince William appears tensed after Prince Harry cuts ‘secret deal’ with Charles

Prince William reportedly does not approve of Prince Harry's comeback deal with King Charles

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William appears tensed after Prince Harry cuts ‘secret deal’ with Charles
William appears tensed after Prince Harry cuts ‘secret deal’ with Charles

Prince William could not hide his anxiety at Remembrance Sunday after it was reported that Prince Harry has cut a “secret deal” with King Charles.

Analyzing William’s body language at the service, expert Judi James pointed out how William engaged in rapid blinking, which could be a sign of “tension, anxiety or even anger.”

William’s appearance comes few days after Life & Style reported that Charles has allowed Harry and Meghan Markle to return to UK and has agreed to give them their old jobs back.

Speaking with The Mirror, Judi noted that William showed signs "inner tension" which could be because of Harry and Meghan’s possible return to UK.

"For William, there was just a staccato blinking that was more frequent, which would say more about inner tension,” James said.

Pointing out another reason behind William’s tense look, she said, “He seems to be presenting himself as the family rock that his father can rely on but that display of strength and calm could be underpinned by some inner tension in terms of getting it right.”

"He might want to avoid showing any vulnerability, especially in the light of the constant problems from the US, but there does seem to be a couple of micro-gestures, i.e. the blinking and the jaw muscle movement, that give hints the responsibility does require effort."