Mark Ruffalo remembers 'Hulk' offer during career struggle

Mark Ruffalo shares offer of Marvel's 'Hulk' came when his career was ebbing away

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Mark Ruffalo remembers Hulk offer during career struggle
Mark Ruffalo remembers 'Hulk' offer during career struggle

Mark Ruffalo is the key face of Marvel. But the US actor shared that he was shocked at the time the big-time offer came when his career was in flux.

In a chat with High Snobiety, the Hulk actor said, "The fact that Joss Whedon came to me for the Hulk was so out of the blue," he added.

Noting, "It's a tough part — how do you get away with playing a character that doesn't want to do what everybody wants him to do and sustain that? It's like a trap. I read it, and I was like, 'I can do something with this.'"

The offer came after the 55-year-old shared his unflattering experience with a studio over the hit 2007 film Zodiac.

"Studios, they weren't coming to me in that way," Mark referred to his mid-2000s career.

He continued, "I'll never forget when they were negotiating my deal [for Zodiac]. The studio negotiator literally said to my manager, 'Look, we don't give a shit about Mark Ruffalo."

Adding, "We don't even want Mark Ruffalo in this movie, so you're going to take what we're offering you or forget it."