Prince Harry’s attraction to Buckingham Palace ridiculed

Prince Harry ha just caused many to be shocked by the level of cognitive dissonance he exhibits

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Prince Harry’s attraction to Buckingham Palace ridiculed
Prince Harry’s attraction to Buckingham Palace ridiculed

Prince Harry has just come under fire for sparking a lot of cognitive dissonance

All of this has been brought to light by royal commentator and expert Daniela Elser.

She weighed in on everything during a candid piece for

she started by referencing the couple’s desire to have a British Christmas after bashing the monarchy.

Read More: Prince Harrys laying down lines like a small boy with a very large stick

“I can’t even begin to process the cognitive dissonance here. Why have Harry and Meghan reportedly decided they want a British Christmas?” Ms Elser started by saying.

“Isn’t this the family that the Sussexes accused of unconscious bias? Of brutally ignoring Meghan’s mental health issues?”

“Of feeding negative stories about the couple into the gaping maw of the press?” she also asked.

Because “if we take all the charges that the Sussexes have levelled at Crown Inc at face value, why in God’s name would they even deign to cross the road to see this titled lot let alone fly ten hours, at no small expenses, and with two small children?”

In relation to this Ms Elser also added before concluding, “Parking these plaintive, confusing ‘whys?’” the question that arises is that its