Prince William, Kate Middleton’s reaction to Harry and Meghan Markle ‘South Park’ episode disclosed

‘South Park’ mocked Prince Harry and Meghan Markle with the episode dubbed 'The Worldwide Privacy Tour' in February

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Prince William, Kate Middleton’s reaction to Harry and Meghan Markle ‘South Park’ episode disclosed
Prince William, Kate Middleton’s reaction to Harry and Meghan Markle ‘South Park’ episode disclosed

Prince William and Kate Middleton reportedly enjoyed the US animated TV series South Park episode mocking Prince Harry and Meghan Markle in February, it is claimed.

According to royal expert Omid Scobie, the future king and queen found the South Park parody of Harry and Meghan “hilarious.”

Scobie made these claims in his upcoming bombshell book Endgame.

The animated series mocked Prince Harry and Meghan with the episode dubbed The Worldwide Privacy Tour in February.

The California-based royal couple were not mentioned by name in the show, but the creators make a series of thinly-veiled references to them.

Now, Scobie's book claims Prince William and Kate found the show funny.

Earlier, the New York Post, quoting the Spectator, had claimed that Duchess Meghan Markle was reportedly “upset and overwhelmed” by the episode and “annoyed by ‘South Park’ but refuses to watch it all.”