How Prince Harry, Meghan Markle’s ‘wrecking ball’ publicity tactics failed them

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have been branded "former C-list reality TV contestants" due to their publicity stunts

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Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have been branded former C-list reality TV contestants due to their publicity stunts
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have been branded "former C-list reality TV contestants" due to their publicity stunts

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have been compared to "former C-list reality TV contestants" due to their tactics for gaining publicity, according to one PR expert.

Edward Coram-James from GoUp PR said the Sussex brand now has "little currency left in it." He noted they had shifted from being treated as royalty to "tabloid fodder."

He told "The Sussex brand has very little currency left in it. Brands that go for a wrecking ball approach to getting fame rarely end up retaining it.”

He went on to express his surprise at the approach The Sussexes have taken towards publicity and added: “The Sussexes are senior British royals.”

“Every PR strategy known to man was available to them, and they could easily have established themselves as diligent, serious filmmakers who would have seamlessly rubbed shoulders with Kings, A-List actors and presidents alike.”

He further remarked, "the strategy that they chose to remain relevant is one more akin to a C-List ex-reality TV contestant, who may feel that the only way to remain within the public eye is to constantly generate scandal-related headlines."