Kate Middleton’s uncle bashes Meghan Markle’s ‘Cinderella’ image

Kate Middleton’s uncle takes an axe to Meghan Markle’s image as Cinderella in Omid Scobie’s book ‘Endgame’

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Kate Middleton’s uncle bashes Meghan Markle’s ‘Cinderella’ image
Kate Middleton’s uncle bashes Meghan Markle’s ‘Cinderella’ image

Kate Middleton Uncle Gary Goldsmith has just attacked the image Meghan Markle’s been given in Omid Scobie’s Endgame.

He weighed in on everything during one of his most recent pieces for The Daily Mail.

In that piece he attacked Omid Scobie’s imagery in Endgame and how it paints Kate as an ‘ugly sister’ compared to Meghan who is ‘Cinderella’.

Read More: Kate Middleton reacts to Meghan Markle pal Omid Scobies explosive book ‘Endgame

While doubling down on his claim Mr Goldsmith wrote, “Pantomime season is upon us I know, but I've never seen such a one-dimensional depiction of my niece Kate as the one I have just read in Omid Scobie's book Endgame.”

He also questioned, “Does the man we all see as Meghan's mouthpiece really believe that the Duchess of Sussex is Cinderella and the Princess of Wales an Ugly Sister?”

“If he does, he needs his head tested,” the uncle of the future Queen stated.

Because “What does that make Harry? Buttons?” he also clapped back before signing off.