Will Smith 'repents' for the past 'bad' decisions and 'unique monsters'

Will Smith looks forward to doing things right as he repents for making some bad decisions

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Will Smith repents for the past and bad decisions and unique monsters
Will Smith 'repents' for the past and 'bad' decisions and 'unique monsters'

Will Smith, who is an American actor and rapper, weighed in on the ups and downs of his life recently. 

On Saturday, the Aladdin actor attended the Red Sea International Film Festival, which was held in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.

During the big night, the husband of Jada Pinkett Smith spoke out about the “mistakes” he had made throughout his life.

In doing so, he also alluded to smacking his colleague Chris Rock for mocking his wife Jada on the Oscar's stage.

In addition to this, he also seemed to be pointing towards the problematic marriage with Jada Pinkett Smith, who has just announced that Will and she had parted ways in 2016.

Speaking to the Lebanese TV host Raya Abirached, Will Smith confessed in front of the hundreds of fans present at the film festival, “I have made tons of mistakes."

In response to this admission, an adoring female fan rose to yell out from the crowd, “We love your mistakes.”

Nonetheless, the leading man in the film continued with his confessional stating that “Fame” did not taste sweet to him, but it rather turned out to be “a unique monster” for him.

Later in the conversation, Will shared with his doting fans, some lessons that helped him combat the adversities life threw at him.

He started off by saying, “I have to be clear about who I am and what I am attempting to do in the world. And I can't need others to applaud for me to stay focused on my mission”, adding. “I want you to feel good.”

“And at the same time, I am deeply human. And I am in the process of perfecting my virtue,” he declared before ending the confessional.