Prince George's working a job while kids fight over video games

Prince George allegedly requires a lot of sympathy for working a job at an age when other kids are fighting over video games

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Experts feel Prince George needs a lot of sympathy for working a job at an age when kids keep fighting over video games.

All of this has been brought to light by royal commentator and expert Daniela Elser.

She weighed in on things during one of her most recent pieces for

The conversation revolved around Kate Middleton’s most recent videos, on the ‘gift of giving’.

it started by Ms Elser by saying, “What we are watching in this ‘film’ is the prince’s entire future play out. Just to really flog a refrain to death – this is it.”

It is important to note however that only the spares to the throne are allowed this ‘smidgen’ of laxation “and choice over their futures”.

In the end, “the eldest prince has absolutely zip, zero, zilch.”

Referencing this she said, “I know that feeling sympathy and pity for a boy who will never want for a single solitary thing might seem nonsensical.”

“The life ahead for George will be the most materially privileged one imaginable, including him one day being able to boast of owning more central London real estate than a sanctioned Muscovite and the entire UK seabed. No future class of 2031 Old Etonian will ever be able to beat him in the bragging stakes,” she also said.

However on another level Ms Elser also said, “how can we not feel for George? At an age when most children his age are fighting over Nintendo Switches and who gets the front seat, he is already on the job.”